Thursday, December 6, 2007

8 Things...

Well I'm guessing most of you know abotu the whole 8 things meme floating around the SL blogsphere... Well Timothy pseudo-tagged me, so I guess I should give my 8 things... Though since I can't think of anyone who hasn't been tagged yet I won't pass it on unless I find some victims... ;)

1. One of my hobbies is Photography... Though I've always been a digital person, so my camera of choice right now is my Fujifilm S5700 in RL. Which is probably related to why I like pics in SL...

2. I run an Anime/Manga/J-Pop club in RL and that's where I am for about 4 hours every Saturday unless I feel to sick or lazy to go...

3. I'm allergic to certain foods... Including Onions, Peppers, and Mushrooms... Now you try finding foods without those from say... Everyone likes to hide their inclusion because people don't think someone may not be able to eat them... (On that note my family is full of strange food allergies, my mom can't eat grains and my dad can't eat nuts).

4. I'm an only child. Which for where I live is odd. It however didn't mean I was spoiled... In fact it usually meant my parents went out of their way to make me fight for whatever I got out of them. Mostly because we were not quite middle class, in fact their attempts to act like they were a middle class family ended with them file for bankruptcy during my first time through college...

5. I've been in college twice... & Owe $60,000 USD for the 'honor' of doing that...

6. I teach an 'enrichment' class at the school I work for called 'Computer Imaging' and I have to try manage up to 16 kids from 4th to 8th grades... Who would rather spend most of their time playing flash games where they dissect people or find creative suicide methods in office buildings... 0_o

7. I am not a red head in RL... Nor have I ever bothered to color my hair... In fact in RL I started with hair so blonde it was nearly white, but now it's just a kind of brown with natural blonde highlights... Unfortunately not where I want them and that fade to be unnoticeable by the end of a day...

8. I originally intended to be a writer and when I told my 7th grade teacher that she chose to make me hate english classes and 'traditional literature' for the rest of my life... I still however write Science Fiction, I just refuse to follow any of the 'styles' your taught to write in and do what I want...

& that's 8... ;)

1 comment:

CatDude said...

Thanks for taking up the "pseudo-tag". I enjoyed reading your facts :)